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To Embalm or Not to Embalm ?
that is the question .... 

With the kind permission of Kate and Kate Celebrants, founders of Coffin Club UK.

we have reproduced 2 x Guest Blogs from the Coffin Club UK Members Newsletter dated June 2022. 

To Embalm or Not To Embalm... That Is The Question...

Kate and Kate say "Here at Coffin Club UK we are famous for our stance on embalming - ie we're really not keen! We're not saying it never has a place (indeed if you want to repatriate a body - move it from one country to another - it's a legal requirement) but, we really don't believe it's something that needs to happen as a matter of course. We are not questioning the skill required to do this job and do it well but we do question whether a less-invasive approach, where a family are provided with all the information about what changes might happen to their person after death, isn't, in the majority of cases, the better approach.

Anyhoo, this topic comes up on our Facebook page every now and again and it always leads to a flurry of rather cross embalmers who want to defend their craft. So, in the interests of full transparency and sticking to the Coffin Club ethos of always providing choice, we invited a lovely embalmer, Matthew O Monsoon, to write a guest blog for us about why he sees embalming as a positive part of the after-death process. 

Then, to balance things out (we are nothing if not fair) we also invited Kimberly McGill a Funeral Assistant with Gibson of Tayside and co-founder of Coffin Club Dundee, to put the argument against embalming...


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